Friday, February 8, 2019

The post-Flat Earth program

A multi-refraction occurred again today,
it's in the process of downloading now.
 Once all its applications have fulfilled
their respective agendas, assimilation of
the overdrive will begin to occur, and
when that giant feat of memory down-
loading happens there will be just enough
of an over surge in hyper text mark up
currency that a virtual real estate paradox
will be set ranking the ten kingdoms zoned
out evenly across the flattened terrain of a post-
cartological paradigm cake with an icing of installed
telepods at every degree of latitude transporting
passersby who happen to reach the borders of the
known Flat Earth directly on the other side to continue
their trek toward the continent which awaits.
(The effect's written off as a folded hypertorus
which we are trapped within as cells of a colony
suspended in two dimensional space.)